
How Massage Helps Manage Stress

How Massage Can Help Manage Stress Stress in life is unavoidable. Massage therapy can be a useful habit to promote relaxation and help treat the symptoms of stress. As humans, we all face stress. Whether you’re moving to a new part of town or are drowning in a swamp...

An Introduction to Sound Healing Therapy

An Introduction to Sound Healing Therapy Listening to soothing sounds aids in relaxation. Incorporating sound therapy into a massage session can be a tool to elevate the therapeutic experience. Deep relaxation is a wonderful state to be in. When you are relaxed, your...

The Benefit of Massage Lotion for the Skin

The Benefit of Massage Lotion for the Skin In addition to creating glide on the skin, a high-quality massage oil can help nourish and moisturize your skin. Massage oil is commonly used in massage, but did you know that it also can provide nourishment for your skin?...